Tuesday, January 27, 2009

How Colur Affects Your Purchase Decisions

How Colour Affects Our Purchase Decisions
The use of colour affects use in many ways. Daily we are influenced by the use of colour in advertising , decorating, how we dress, and of course what jewellery we wear. As babies we are influenced by colour in the womb. We see pink, so we have come to see pink as representing motherhood,and nurturing. As adults we associate colour with positive and negative memories and feelings. Colour becomes a feature of our subconscious minds. Let's start with the basic colours Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Brown, Black and White.
Red-- This colour stimulates your appetite, represents assertiveness, energy, passion .
The negative associations of red are anger, domineering, agressive.
Orange--Warmth, optimism, creative expression,.
Negative associations are harsh, abrasive.
Yellow --Joy Cheer.
Negative associations are vindictive, looks for flattery, feeling of inferiority, illness like cancer-the yellow daffodil is a symbol.
Green--Inner peace, calm rejuvenation. Negative associations are envy, jealousy, greed
Blue--Calming, wisdom, loyalty.
Negative associations are Judgmental, inconsiderate, cold, tactless.
Purple--Royalty, Psychic power, perception.
Negative associations are feelings of superiority.
Brown--calming, down to earth, practical.
Negative associations are dirty, bugs, worms,
Black --positive associations are Protection, mystery, seduction.
Negative associations are mourning, evil.
White-- positive associations are purity, serenity, holiness, bliss.
Negative associations of white are death, bland, unimaginative.
These associations that we have with colour bias our perception of colour and the optical illusions that colour can present.
For example if you take a bright yellow object and place it on a black background it appears brighter than if you had placed it on a black background .
If you take a black and white checkerboard pattern and draw yellow horizontal lines across it, it will appear wavy, when in fact all the squares are the same size. The yellow lines change the perspective and create the optical illusion of the squares being wavy or misaligned.
When making jewellery it is important to keep these things in mind. When you make a green necklace do people see it as calming, or as envy, aggression. 
If you make two identical necklaces, place one on white background and one on black background, which one will attract the eye to it more?

When you have slow sales at a craft show is it because of your use of colour and how they perceive it? Is it just a matter of changing the tone or background?

Knowledge is power.
This is just something to think about.

Now if we could just figure out what makes people tick. Another thing is that psychologists say that people are more likely to buy something that they have physically touched. For example when you go shopping the salesperson grabs a sweater and comes up to you and says "Look at this new colour , feel how nice and soft it is. Look at the details." They want you to feel that thing so you will buy it. They are planting that seed in your head that you want it, gotta get it now. Same with jewellery you have to let people feel it, how heavy is it, will it give me a neck-ache? If I bend over will I chip my front teeth on it? Is it strung well enough for a baby to pull on it and not break it? Get excited about your work. Show people the benefits and features of the jewellery. How it is made, the gemstone used, etc. People are more likely to buy from someone that is truly excited and interested in their work than from someone just sitting there in a chair not saying anything.I went to a craft show recently and I asked the guy if he made his own dichroic glass pendants. Answer was "yup" and he turned and walked away. No further explanation or interest in telling me about it ,or even cluing me in on the price. Well, should I guess the price? Now in your own mind how bad do you want to buy something from someone who can't give you two seconds of their time? You are going to glance around and go to the booth where the person IS excited about their craft work and willing to educate you a little on your purchase decisions.